When the kids got off the bus today our neighbors were splitting and stacking firewood. The kids had to pass their house to get home so they decided to stop and help for a bit. Nataly ended up smashing her finger, as Ethan reported to me as he came flying through the front door and headed straight for the snack cabinet. No hi mom, no hug, no kiss....nothin'. He grabbed a lonely pudding cup and proceeded to literally inhale it! Then as I was walking over to him to talk to him about his day, he ran past me and threw he jacket back on and was headed out the door...all I heard was "I'M-HEADED-BACK-TO-HELP-STACK-WOOD-BECAUSE-ITS-FUN-AND-I'M-A-GOOD-CITIZEN-BUT-MOSTLY-CUZ-HELPING-IS-FUN!" I don't think he even took more than two breathes from the time he walked in the door, ate, and then left again.
And keep in mind that all this literally took less than 2 minutes, and Nataly still hadn't even walked in the door yet!
I'm glad that he thinks helping is fun, especially when it comes to helping others. I learned later, over a leisurely dinner compared to snack time, that Ethan was awarded the citizenship award at school today! I had no idea or I would have been there to see him receive it(slacker schools!)
I must be doing something right!
Look at you with your award winning kids! You are definatly doing something right!