The purpose for setting goals is to stretch ourselves and become better beings. That being said, I really need to set some goals, and while I want to....well, I don't want to. That means changing my mindset, and reworking somethings in my life, and it all seems so overwhelming. Never the less, I am setting the goals, putting them down in writing, err, type that is. And I'm going to post them where I will see them frequently. These are things that I desperately want to accomplish.
Personal-blog at least twice a week. I have begun to use my blog like a journal which another dear friend of mine does. I may not post everything that I write. I also need to get over the fact that my blog isn't all fancy like others that I follow.
Keep up with my morning meditation, I also want to start walking again and before the end of the year is up it is my goal to ride my bike to the turn off and back. (Thats 11 miles folks). *note to self:buy a fat lady seat for bike, my tush with appreciate it!*
Pass current spring semester classes. I anticipate the same level of performance as last semester, and while it would be fantastic to finish with 4 A's, I am a realist and am almost sure that I will never make an A in either microbiology or anatomy and physiology.
Take the HESI....I'm scheduled to take this January 29th. I have to pass with an outstanding score in order to be accepted to the nursing program...I'm nervous enough to puke just thinking about it!
Apply for the nursing program: The deadline is already on every calendar I could get my hands on. My references have been given the form to fill out. I just need to get the money together for the math test and for my official transcripts. Then I have a big mess to work out with the Board of Nursing....ugh, It will be nice to pass this goal off, the whole business gives me knots in my stomach!
Family goals
We are working on implementing a chore system! Mostly because I just don't have the time to deal with it all and go to school. We will also be implementing scheduled laundry days since I have to leave before the kids get on the bus, I need the person who's day it is to bring their laundry out and set it by the washer or if they are one of the big kids they can do it themselves. This one stems from last spring when I had my meltdown and started making changes so that will not happen again. Its been pretty loosely scheduled around here, but we are going to step it up a notch.
I'm already gearing up for a yard sale sometime after May when it will be warm. So everyone will be dejunking to the extreme whether they want to or not! <--I live with some major pack rats.
We need to have family home evening on a much more regular basis. I am actually working on a list/schedule for it right now.
Nataly has decided that she wants to be baptized and that will be taking place this October :) So we will all be working to get her ready for that. Its alot more work that assigning talks and buying a white dress ya know lol.
We will actually be talking about goals tonight in FHE and I want to encourage each of the kids to make some personal goals for themselves and we will post them and do progress checks.
I found a wonderful article about setting goals in the Jan. 2010 Ensign entitled The Best is Yet to Be and its great, you should read it.