28 September 2010

A change of pace

My posts the past bit have been less than positive, waaay less than uplifting. I was cleaning my computer desk today....hey, the computer geek was coming, I didn't need to appear like a total slob right? Anyways, I found a book that I keep quotes and poems in, some are of my own design and others are inspiring and uplifting things I have found or been given along the way. This one hit home tonight.

Discovering Your Inner Beauty
Barbara B. Smith
The yellow caterpillar saw another caterpillar hanging upside down on a branch. caught in some hairy substance. She said "You seem to be in trouble. Can I help you?" "No," said the hanging caterpillar "I have to do this to become a butterfly." "Butterfly: what is a butterfly?" asked the yellow caterpillar. The hanging caterpillar replied, "Its what you are meant to become. It flies with the flowers and carriers seeds of love from one flower to another. Without butterflies the world would soon have few flowers." The yellow caterpillar exclaimed "It can't be true! How can I believe there's a butterfly inside me or you when all I see is a fuzzy worm? How does one become a butterfly?" "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar" said the hanging caterpillar.
Like the caterpillars who will one day become butterflies, we have the magnificent potential to develop the powers within us and become greater than most of us dare to dream.

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