01 November 2010

He always knows just what I need.

Sunday morning....well, I really didn't want to go to church due to a situation that happened on Saturday night while trick or treating. Without going into detail, I will just say, that I was terrified that I would be lynched or viewed as the most horrible woman in town. But I went, and sitting in sacrament meeting, the same old doubts and feelings of despair consumed me. I currently teach/lead the music in primary. Its a VERY HIGH ENERGY calling...therefore, draining.
I'm walking, well, more like trudging and dragging my feet, down the hall to the primary room. I can hear my accompainist playing the prelude music and the closer I get to the door, the clearer I can hear one small voice singing right along with the prelude music. Quite honestly I figured it was one of my 4 children, and only because we sing quite a bit at home, not because my kids are better than someone else's, we just sing these songs alot more than most people that I know.
To my utter shock and surprise it was not one of my children, but a young boy, who is probably one of the biggest challenges to our whole primary! He is sweet(when he wants to be), and smart, and has a super small attention span. We all work with or around him the best we can. And when we can't we grab one of his parents to intervene.
He was sitting in this room full of people just singing away. He wasn't doing it to be distruptive, he was probably the most reverent child in the room.
The song he was singing happens to be one of the very first songs that I taught the primary when I was called to the position.
The pianist merged to another song and he sang that one too, in the same sweet voice, sitting just as non wiggly as a boy his age could possibly be.
I couldn't help it, my heart overflowed and leaked out my eyes. I saw that little challenge of a child as our Heavenly Father sees him.
Every. SINGLE. Time. that I think that I hate this calling and dread going through the whole hullabaloo again, something like this happens.
I know that Heavenly Father is just showing me that I am making a difference, and that I'm right where I need to be for now. It also helped that when our bishopric was reorganized on Sunday one of the new members who had previously been a primary teacher said that singing time was his most favorite part of primary♥♥

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, I think you did the right thing, and if anyone thinks you're horrible for it, they're wrong. I'm sorry for the guy, but if he can't leagally and safely operate a four wheeler he shouldn't be on the road.
