28 December 2011

An hour in the life of me

Seriously, you cannot believe all the drama I have had in the past hour at my house. Told the kids they had to clean the van out, many tears of protest ensued. TOO BAD! But in the midst of that Emily Vanessa left the side door to the house open and our siamese cat, aptly named Sassy, ventured outside. Wails of misery and accusation floated through the outside air as the kids tried unsuccessfully to get her back into the house. After the van was shoveled out, I sent Nataly and Rylee out with slop buckets to feed the pigs. They chose the most muddy of paths to take and both got stuck and one child even lost their sock...then they left my containers outside and I made them walk back out there barefoot to get them(you can call me a meanie, it won't hurt my feelings). Those two girls were covered in mud, and so was Ethan because he tried to help them out of the mud before I arrived on scene and showed them that the DRY ground was literally less than 10 feet away from them. WHY couldn't they walk that way?! So I sent three kids off to the tub after they stripped down outside. And I'm in my bathroom using my neti pot(I woke up a few days ago with some horrid sinus congestion) and Emily Vanessa comes in with the dog in her arms...apparently the dog got stuck in the mud too and had to be rescued. So I bathed the dog. Then I wandered outside to take this picture of the muddy boots and I see the cat on top of the chicken coop.

So I go and 'rescue' her and receive a scratch on the neck as thanks. I come back in the house and the freshly washed puppy dog has knocked the trashcan over! My patience is completely worn and I'm not even going to attempt to cook a meal lest the whole house burn to the ground. I will just put a movie on and confine myself to my bedroom to fold laundry. Keep in mind that this is just one little hour of my day. ILOVEMYFAMILYILOVEMYFAMILYILOVEMYFAMILYILOVEMYFAMILY...

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