Let me tell you a little bit about my daughter Nataly. Nataly is a very delicate soul. She can't stand any sort of movie that has suspense. Not even a disney movie that has a suspensful scene, I am not kidding. She cannot even stand to watch someone else play Mario Galaxy on the wii...she freaks out thinking that the player might not make the jump, or might be over powered by opponents.
Nataly also cannot handle guilt of any sort. Just yesterday as I was driving the kids home from school, she blurted out "I can't take it anymore!" And proceded to tell me about a rule she and the other kids had broken the week before when they had friends playing here at the house...the other kids tried really hard to shush her up, but Nataly said she had to get it off her chest. She has had a rough first part of second grade this year and has had detention twice in the prinicpals office :( the secretary told me that its almost not worth punishing her because by the time she makes the walk down to the office she has already thoroughly beat herself up, she would show up in tears, exclaiming that she had done something so bad and so wrong and she would curl up in the secretary's lap and cry her little heart out and sobbing 'please forgive me!'
Nataly is also very sensitive to the needs of others, especially others that have limitations. Her teacher this year sustained a very serious knee injury while coaching wrestling and had been in a wheel chair for the past month or so. He will be having surgery soon and this man has occupied her every though. She has even gone so far as to ask me if I could go be his nurse for awhile since he needs so much help. Her class also noticed right after thanksgiving that they did not hold the annual food drive at school, so they decided on their own to hold a food drive as a class and picked the place they would donate the food to.
I say all this so that maybe you will understand when I tell you what this special little girl asked Santa Claus for tonight as she climbed on his lap. It was quite unexpected, but I have learned that Nataly is a very unpredictable child.
She asked Santa for happiness in her heart and for forgiveness for what she had done wrong.