17 February 2010

Running On Empty

Ever have those days that feel like a whole week? I sure did today. Two coughing kids, one with asthma and one with croup, then one of our vans sprung a massive gushing leak in the radiator, then a busted well pipe, which meant awhile without water, had to arrange afterschool care for the two olders since the youngers needed to see the dr. for which we also had to borrow a vehicle since I had classes this pm. Prescription to pick up, homework to do, not to mention all the housework that I NEVER have time to keep up with. Continual stomach (area) pain. And Cory came close to smashing his whole finger off today while working on the darn well...Tomorrow is a new day right?
Tomorrows line up....take sick kids to the grands since I have a Dr. appt AND we are taking my Father-in-Law up with us as well for a spinal IV infusion(I'm not really clear at this point exactly what this is or what its really for, but plan to pump for mucho info tomorrow). Healthy kids have to go to grands house as well since its early release for PT Conferences...I have homework that I will be bringing along on our trip to Show Low tomorrow that MUST MUST MUST be completed, I have to work the library then I have to zoom into Holbrook to pick up a bajillion boxes of girl scout cookies, then sort and get ready for delivery, dinner to be cooked(or a bowl of cereal...depends on how drained I am) laundry, more homework....I know I am forgetting at least three things in there.
Well, I am off to try and beg my hottie for a back rub...that should make me feel better until I wake up tomorrow!

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