19 November 2009

♪♫Because I have been given much, I too, must give♫♪
There is nothing that compares to the joy I feel when I give of myself to others. I have been in such a rotten, stressed mood lately. I had the opportunity to do some good today in the world, well, my little world of Woodruff anyways, and I feel at least 90% better about my life.
These past years, I felt like such a service mooch, for lack of a better term. Always asking for help or being on the receiving end of what was really needed, but not really in a position to do much for others. First it was having babies, and more babies. Then it was having my gallbladder removed, then Cory went to the academy and was gone for 5 months, then I had a hysterectomy. Through all of this there were many close friends and even more family members that rallied in support of me and mine, they carried me when I couldn't go another step, they were my footprints in the sand.
During this time, I was prone to feeling guilty at times for being the receiver of so much. Someone very dear to me pointed out that there are times and seasons in our lives and this was one of mine, and I too, would be in the giving position someday. Another cherished person in my life said to me " If you deny a person the opportunity to serve you, you are denying them blessings that THEY are in need of! Service is not just for the person receiving, but for the giver as well."
I find myself more and more in the givers seat and it brings me joy, my heart soars and I feel light and free when I am able to give of myself, my talents, or some other thing that I have in my possession that is mine to freely give.
Teaching my children about serving others is however not always an easy thing, and I am working on a secret server project that we are going to run with during December.
If you are down and out, feeling stressed, get out there and serve someone! I promise it will be the best choice you can make.

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