20 July 2011


Yesterday was a pretty good all around day...until dinner time. When my daughter walked in from the Grands house with a face full of make up on...smeared no less b/c she had been swimming. Now, before you get on me for raising issue with this, please keep in mind that she is 9. And she is my daughter, and I'm the parent. That makes following my rules mandatory, and she knows it. And in all actuality, it wasn't so much the fact that she had been playing with make up, although she should have called first and it all should have been washed off...completely off before she set foot out of that house. Its more that it was her older cousins make up, and the older cousin specifically told her NOT to mess with it...and she still did. And even more than that, she LIED about it. And then the LIED and LIED on top of it. So being the judge, jury, and executioner, punishment was handed down...and drama ensued. Drama which I have never seen from her before. Screaming, yelling, THROWING things, I was disconcerted to say the least. Granted, the throwing, and screaming took place in her bedroom. She is very very mad at me for punishing her. And thats ok, she can be mad. Its more important to me to be her mom than to be her friend, and someday she will realize why its more important. It hurts me that she is so upset with me, but I'll get over it. She has to know that what she did was wrong, and I want her to learn from it so that she doesn't make the same mistake twice. And let me tell you, the drama started again this morning when I gave her a chore to do...she has to pick up trash outside. Manual labor is one thing that Emily despises, so its what is going to make the biggest impact right now. Now, I'm off to finish a list of jobs that must be complete before the loss of priviledges is lifted.

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