14 January 2010

sleeping beauties

Classes this semester require that I be away from home one full evening a week. This leaves Cory to run the bedtime circus, and while he is fully competent, it was a bit confusing for the kids last night. I had made it known to all of them that I would not be here when they got up from naps or home from school and that I would not be home until they were in bed and asleep.
Last night when I got home all was quiet and the children were asleep in their beds. I missed all the good night routines so I crept quietly into each room and gave each child a kiss.
Nataly happens to sleep on a top bunk and was so far over that I could not reach her well, so I kissed my fingers and placed them on her face, I let them linger just a bit, she stirred and said(in her sleep) "Whats that smell?, It smells pretty...like my mom". I melted inside, what a tribute!
I have always been a firm believer in taking a few moments to watch my children sleep, especially if the day has been rough. For me that quiet reflection reminds me just exactly why all of the chaos is worth it. To see them so relaxed and peaceful brings the peace inside of me, I can let go of the power struggles and messes and everyday life. Its a moment of wonder and awe to know that I helped create this precious beings. They continue to be the reason I do most everything in life, because I simply love them.

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